Dance: The Real World Song: Here in the Real World Artist: Alan Jackson Album: Super Hits; Here in the Real World Choreography & copyright: Tracie Lee; 2/2002 Level: Easy-Intermediate Walls: 4 Count: 32 Bridge/restart: one restart Dance Beat: 92 b/m Start: Feet together, weight on left foot, after 16 count intro * Side, hold, &together, side-rock replace, sailor, sailor: 1- 2 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, hold, &3- 4 Step LEFT beside RIGHT (on &), rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT side, replace weight onto LEFT, 5& 6 Cross RIGHT behind LEFT, step ball of LEFT to LEFT side (on &), replace weight onto RIGHT, 7& 8 Cross LEFT behind RIGHT, step ball of RIGHT to RIGHT side (&), replace weight onto LEFT, * Rock replace, 1/4 turn, hold, &together, rocking-horse: 9-10 Rock/step RIGHT forward across LEFT, replace weight onto LEFT, 11-12 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, hold, &13-16 Step LEFT beside RIGHT (on &), rock forward on RIGHT, rock back on LEFT, rock/step back on RIGHT, rock forward on LEFT, * Step, 1/2 pivot, step, 1/4 pivot, &together, step, 1/2 pivot, step, 1/2 pivot: 17-18 Step RIGHT forward, 1/2 pivot turn LEFT (weight onto LEFT), 19-20 Step RIGHT forward, 1/4 pivot turn LEFT (weight onto LEFT), & Step RIGHT beside LEFT, 21-22 Step LEFT forward, 1/2 pivot turn RIGHT (weight onto RIGHT), 23-24 Step LEFT forward, 1/2 pivot turn RIGHT (weight onto RIGHT), * Rock rock, together-rock-rock, together-1/4_turn-rock, side, drag, &flick: 25-26 Rock/step LEFT forward, rock back onto RIGHT, &27-28 Step LEFT beside RIGHT (on &), rock/step RIGHT forward, rock back onto LEFT, &29-30 Step RIGHT beside LEFT (on &), 1/4 turn RIGHT & step LEFT to LEFT & rock hips LEFT, rock hips RIGHT, 31-32 Step LEFT out to LEFT side, drag RIGHT beside LEFT (on LEFT), & Flick RIGHT foot up behind LEFT knee. Repeat ****** On the 5th wall (when facing front for 2nd time), dance the first 16 counts (instrumental) and then restart (with next verse). Transcribed: David Powell, 7th March, 2002.